// The Isomorphic Go Project // Copyright (c) Wirecog, LLC. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license, which can be found in the LICENSE file. package isokit import ( "context" "strings" "github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js" "honnef.co/go/js/dom" ) type Router struct { routes []*Route listener func(*js.Object) } func NewRouter() *Router { return &Router{ routes: []*Route{}, } } func (r *Router) Handle(path string, handler Handler) *Route { return r.HandleFunc(path, handler.(HandlerFunc)) } func (r *Router) HandleFunc(path string, handler HandlerFunc) *Route { route := NewRoute(path, handler) r.routes = append(r.routes, route) return route } func (r *Router) Listen() { r.RegisterLinks() } func (r *Router) RegisterLinks() { document := dom.GetWindow().Document().(dom.HTMLDocument) for _, link := range document.Links() { href := link.GetAttribute("href") switch { case strings.HasPrefix(href, "/") && !strings.HasPrefix(href, "//"): if r.listener != nil { link.RemoveEventListener("click", true, r.listener) } r.listener = link.AddEventListener("click", true, r.linkHandler) } } } func (r *Router) linkHandler(event dom.Event) { uri := event.CurrentTarget().GetAttribute("href") path := strings.Split(uri, "?")[0] // leastParams := -1 var matchedRoute *Route var parts []string var lowestMatchCountSet bool = false var lowestMatchCount int = -1 for _, route := range r.routes { matches := route.regex.FindStringSubmatch(path) matchesExist := len(matches) > 0 && matches != nil isLowestMatchCount := (lowestMatchCountSet == false) || (len(matches) < lowestMatchCount) if matchesExist && isLowestMatchCount { matchedRoute = route parts = matches[1:] lowestMatchCount = len(matches) lowestMatchCountSet = true } } if matchedRoute != nil { event.PreventDefault() js.Global.Get("history").Call("pushState", nil, "", uri) routeVars := make(map[string]string) for i, part := range parts { routeVars[matchedRoute.varNames[i]] = part } var ctx context.Context ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() k := RouteVarsKey("Vars") ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, k, routeVars) go matchedRoute.handler.ServeRoute(ctx) } }