7 years ago | |
client | 7 years ago | |
static | 7 years ago | |
templates | 7 years ago | |
.gitignore | 7 years ago | |
LICENSE | 7 years ago | |
Readme.md | 7 years ago | |
isogoapp.go | 7 years ago |
A basic, barebones web app, intented to be used as a starting point for developing an Isomorphic Go application.
The instructions assume that you are using a Unix-like operating system (e.g. BSD, Linux, Mac OS, etc).
It is assumed that the latest version of Go is already installed on your system and that you have properly configured your Go workspace.
go get -u github.com/isomorphicgo/isogoapp
environment variable.export ISOGO_APP_ROOT=${GOPATH}/src/github.com/isomorphicgo/isogoapp
cd $ISOGO_APP_ROOT/client
go get ./...
gopherjs build
go run isogoapp.go
The web server runs locally on port 8080: localhost:8080.
If all goes well, you should see the Isomorphic Go logo, along with a message rendered on the web page.
It is assumed that the latest version of Go is already installed on your system and that you have properly configured your Go workspace. Make sure that GOPATH, GOROOT and GOBIN are set up. GOROOT and GOPATH were set up during the installation and configuration of Golang. To set up GOBIN, you have to edit environment variables.
Open the envrionment variables window and,
Find a variable called 'Path' under User Variables section. Focus on it and click 'Edit'. A new pop-up would open and there you would find a button called New in the top-right corner. Click on it, and it will bring blinking cursor in the focus. The cursor will be placed at the end of the list of paths. So if your Go workplace is C:\GoWorkspace, then you would type C:\GoWorkspace\bin
In the 'System Variables' section, click on New. Enter GOBIN
in the Variable Name field and, C:\GoWorkspace\bin\
in the Variable value field.
We have assumed that your go workspace is called GoWorkspace and is located at 'C:\GoWorkspace'. It is highly possible that your go workspace's name is not same as the example taken here, please modify the name of your go workspace according to your configuration.
Save the changes made and run 'go env' from cmd. You should now see GOBIN to be pointing to bin directory inside your Go workspace folder.
Enter the command go get -u github.com/isomorphicgo/isogoapp
in cmd.
If Go is properly configured in your system and command is successfully executed, then you will see the following directory structure in src folder of your Go workspace.
environment variable.Now, we again need to set up an environment variable. Open the environment variable screen and under System Variables section, create a New variable. On Windows 10, this is done by clicking on New.
In the Variable name field, enter ISOGO_APP_ROOT
And, in the Variable value field, enter %GOPATH%src\github.com\isomorphicgo\isogoapp
Did you notice back-slash missing between %GOPATH% and src? It is not a typo. If your GOPATH has a trailing back-slash in it, then type the command as given above. And if it does not have back-slash, then enter %GOPATH%\src\github.com\isomorphicgo\isogoapp
. Check this detail by typing 'go env' in cmd.
Now close all the instances of cmd relevant to our work as they don't know about the environment variable changes that have been made.
Open a new cmd window. And run this command cd %ISOGO_APP_ROOT%/client
You would now be pointed to the client folder inside isogoapp folder.
Now run go get ./...
command. And after its successful execution, run gopherjs build
Make sure that you don't move away from client directory during the execution of all these three commands.
Now, open a new cmd windows and run cd %ISOGO_APP_ROOT%
After this change of directory, run go run isogoapp.go
The web server runs locally on port 8080: localhost:8080.
If all goes well, you should see the Isomorphic Go logo, along with a message rendered on the web page, when you visit the link above.
Once you've installed, and confirmed, that the basic Isomorphic Go application is working, the next logical step is to install Kick.
Kick automatically recompiles Go code, and it has the ability to take both the go
and gopherjs
commands into consideration.
Kick performs an instant kickstart of the web server instance, upon the modification of a Go source file. Check out Kick
More information on the benefits of Isomorphic Go applications can be found at the Isomorphic Go Website.
The isogoapp
is licensed under the BSD License. Read the LICENSE file for more information.